Time for a new Commission in to POLICE Corruption and the future and NYPD App Tracker...
Are people thinking the NYPD may murder me like they did Eric Garner and blame me for murdering me?
Comment sent to me: I just saw that cop video where you were yelling at him.You be careful with those guys and never forget Eric and the loosie sales.
NYPD 1PP Gene Schatz taught Turn Broken Windows on Cop yelling him down
Someone following my blog worried Gene Schatz and friends my murder me?
I just saw that cop video where you were yelling at him.You be careful with those guys and never forget Eric and the loosie sales.
We were at the very moving and motional Michael Blake press conference at 1 Police Plaza and the one police officer I'm not suing there he is going to 1pp maybe because I tweeted to the commissioner Shatz's Facebook page profile of a finger giving he's the guy that put everything in play for retaliation against me from the Mercer hotel to down the street Dr Fagelman , NYPD Gene Schatz fixer for the Mercer Hotel and his FB friend detectives Andy Dwyer and Det John Vergona coercion, lying in police reports they joined in the threats the goal to coerce me for Doctor Andrew Fagelman who did not fire his violent lying receptionist including staff in the video that lied for her.
NYPD Gene Schatz, FB pals Det John Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer Capable of Murder or just party coercion, lying in police reports, breaking the law?
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