I SEE VERGONA + Dwyer's faces 1st time!
Update was Jeffrey Epstein an owner in The Mercer Hotel did he and Ghislaine Maxwell can't any fixing and favors from The First Precinct?
NYPD First Precinct Fixing Favors NYPD Crimes
NYPD PO Eugene Schatz arrested Oct 2019 drunk driving! Who thinks that's a first? Until there are Federal arrests of those party to the goal erasing crimes, violently threatening me including over the phone, online, conspiring to ERASE all crimes by falsifying police reports, downgrading Crimes to 0 crimes NO JUSTICE! Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire Delita Hooks, he takes her to drug parties. Dr F got quite a favor from corrupt NYPD detectives willingly to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE/DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ME w/ their supervisors willing to break laws by ERASING CRIMES but Dr Andrew Fagelman can't stop the bad yelp reviews! He has NYPD patients! Gaslighting online any NYPD retired NYPD involved?
NYPD PO Magori or Migori you tell me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syrc3ncHFTI hear her lie to me and violate my constitutional rights with NYPD Sgt Chen backing her up and preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks False Cross complaint. Sgt Chen also refuses to come down and face me a violation of protocol.
Delita Hooks letter in response to Ron Kuby's short hand for Suzannah Troy is being coerced -Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatens a 2nd false cross complaint! NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on it with NYPD Ed Winski's knowledge and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting a pile-up of crimes including a series of threats, falsified police reports coercion. Corp Counsel lawyers including Zachary Carter lied in legal documents again protecting all crimes, obstructing Justice yet again and protecting violations of my Civil Rights!
First Yelp review 2009 describes Dr Andrew Fagelman's staff as bi polar but who knew they would commit a series of crimes and get corrupt NYPD at the First Precinct to join in the crimes committing even more crimes.
Like Eric Garner he and I filed pro se lawsuits under Ray Kelly. The NYPD IA hatred of me crimes has spanned 3 PC 2 chiefs of IA and 2 Chief of Detectives but Boyce monstrous his role promoting Dwyer to a fake task force -- the task force has a non working telephone number. You have to have a lot of hatred in your heart to wear a badge from support violating the constitution and break laws threatened victims of crime and lie about it. Zachary Carter is using Ron Kuby's letter and you can hear Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell uses Ron Kuby audio I posted to YouTube stating case clothes she doesn't want any evidence she doesn't want to hear anything she just is going to use Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes no wrongdoing and that has been 3PC 2 IA Chief and the City of NY's strategy. The city is me money for damages years of lying and covering up these crimes. I can't imagine what Det John Vergona and PO Magori if she was there that day - you can hear PO Magori if that is the correct spelling lie to me in the secretly recorded audio where she and Sgt Chen who refuses to come downstairs lie to me telling me I can't report a crime a false cross complaint because I am not from the DA or a detective. The NYPD and IA prevented me from reporting crimes!
NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos Protect Delita Hooks Signed letter Threat Retaliate 2nd false cross... by Suzannah Troy on Scribd After all these years I finally get a copy of Delita HOOKS letter threatening and Detective Andrew Dwyer DD5 proof he protected her signed letter threatening me warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault or she will file a 2nd false cross complaint also protected by Det Andrew Dwyer and Sgt Chen. DI Ed Winski knew about all the threats to me including Det John VERGONA threatening me and he protected all the crimes and got promoted along with Det Dwyer. Det Vergona was allowed to retired to a big house in Staten Island instead of doing jail time.
Click on link above about Det John Vergona a pathological liar like my attacker? Vergona refused to meet me. He asked me later that day which eye? I said if you don't know than meet me see the defense wounds on my arm, my eye but he refuses and it was agreed with DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Dwyer and Vergona and Dwyer's to downgrade Delita HOOKS crimes and fabricate a mutual assault and protect Delita Hooks signed letter OPENLY THREATENING ME AGAIN TO NOT COME BACK OR SHE WILL FILE A 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT CHARGE MY GUESS ONLY JOE TACOPINA STUPID ENOUGH TO DRAFT THE LETTER!
The NYPD and Internal Affairs prevented me from reporting crimes and I have audio and their police reports to prove it.
Detective Andrew Dwyer and his partner and Det John Vergona and his partner, Lt Burgos who never contacted me lied about me but years later when I sued in NY State Court his response so arrogant and cocky was to finally contact me and asked to join my linkedin network Friday the 13th Nov 2015 at 5:30 am say day as the Paris Terrorist Attacks
and you can hear audio of NYPD Sgt Chen also hiding like Klu Klux klan it was Nov 20, 2012 he was captured on audio refusing to come down and meet me -- violating protocol really worked for him because I still don't have his badge number. A subordinate had told me about Lt Burgos and gave his email and I had asked for Sgt Chen's badge number and Det Vergona -- at that time I had no idea Det Andrew Dwyer existed but Lt Burgos like Lt Michael J Agnese of the "integrity bureau" never contacted me either and the sadists along with Internal Affairs and Zachary Carter using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend the NYPD did not commit crimes and they did from the doctor's office 2nd degree assault, menacing, threatening the victim, a false cross complaint, a signed letter to Det Andrew Dwyer warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and Delita HOOKS was confident Lt Burgos and Det Dwyer and Det Vergona and all involved including DI Ed Winski would protected the threats.
Talk about mental illness and psych evals Delita HOOKS has some serous ANGER MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS BUT WHAT ABOUT HER BOSS WHO DIDN'T FIRE HERAND DET JOHN VERGONA'S VERY VIOLENT TEMPER AND THREAT TO FALSE ARREST ME IF I DID NOT DROP CHARGES (it is very frightening to be verbally violently threatened by an NYPD Det Vergona who is lying to me over the phone on behalf of Delita HOOKS and her employer who did not fire her! NYPD including IA have to be about emotionally 3 AND HAVE THE EMOTIONAL MAKE UP OF CRIMINALS and they have guns and badges? GOOGLE NYPD GUN TRAFFICKING, NYPD STEALS FROM DRUG DEALER, CANNIBAL COP, NYPD RAPIST, ETC EVERYONE PASSED THEIR NYPD PSYCH EVALS YET THEY LIE, BREAK LAWS AND RAY KELLY, BRATTON AND O'NEILL WON'T CHANGE THE NYPD PSYCH EVALS EVEN WHEN NYPD ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE JUST LIKE O'NEILL 3RD PC PROTECTING NYPD IA CRIMES IN MY CASE and how many others? So many horrific NYPD crimes rapes, murder you name it and they all past their psych evals. Zachary Carter said in my case and in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case they NYPD acted with in their scope. You can see video of NYPD jumping on Thabo and like Eric Garner he wasn't running away but the NYPD piled on breaking Thabo's leg. I would like an apology as does I am sure NBA star Thabo and so many other victims!
The NYPD and Internal Affairs decided they don't like me (that is part of what they call a Round Robin -- where they play just and jury violate their oath, the law, the constitution ) so they will break the law downgraded Delita HOOKS crimes and their's NYPD Det Vergona, Det Dwyer, Lt Burgos etc to a fabricated mutual assault and than no crime 0 Crimes and DI Ed Winski made a practice of crimes vanishing so he could have lower crime stats except when he was false arresting protestors in public places?
The Attack Oct 1, 2012 Delita HOOKs returns to her desk after Dr Vine is told Dr Fagelman refuses to fire Delita HOOKS. Dr Vine told me my attacker went right back to her desk acting as if nothing had happened.
Delita HOOKS yells I will slap the crap out of you but DET JOHN VERGONA OMITT I WILL SLAP THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! Det Vergona omitted I was assaulted with objects as well as the sexual assault with Delita HOOKS barefoot after she threw her shoes ALL OMITTED BY CORRUPT NYPD DET VERGONA WITH DET DWYER AND BOSSES IN THE LOOP.
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected? DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest. The Manhattan DA made it clear they were going to protect NYPD IA crimes!
Everyone even NYPD experts say this is crazy. How crazy are these cops? 0 Integrity, 0 remorse, they broke laws, they laughed Sgt Chen laughed over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctors! Lt Burgos commited crimes in my case and never acknowledge me or contacted me like Det Andy Dwyer and Vergona refused to meet except to false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath oct 20, 2012 4pm but Delita HOOKs was not told to turn herself in. Det Fagelman made a call and Det andy Dwyer visited them and assured them I was would be threatened and that is a crime -- they were assured I would be verbally violently threatened and I had a hole in my retina and cervical damage. Det Vergona and Delita Hooks knew I had a collapsed bladder it's like being pregnant with twins and they have 0 empathy and are both violent liars. Det Vergona VERBALLY VIOLENTLY YELLED AT ME OCT 16, 2012 YOU ARE GOING TO DROP CHARGES OR I AM GOING TO ARREST ME. HE HAD TOLD ME ALSO HE DID NOT CARE IF I HAD 2 BLACK EYES. I HAD A HOLE IN MY RETINA -- HE AND DELITA HOOKS AND SGT MARY O'DONNNELL AND ALL INVOLVED HAVE THE EMPATHY OF A SERIAL KILLER. AUDIO OF SGT MARY O'DONNELL SHE REALLY DOES NOT CARE I AM WAITING TO FIND OUT IF I NEED A 2ND SURGERY FOR MY LEFT EYE A HOLE IN RETINA BY DR FAGELMAN'S DELITA HOOKS ---
Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer hide their faces but I found them on FACEBOOK after 1PP law dept refused service for Det Vergona. They are facebook friends with PO Schatz the first cop I reported to Internal Affairs for abuse of power, illegal use of squad car being threatening and lying to me for the Mercer Hotel and his partner Det Tommy Moran all facebook friends and all party to the fact they were going to do a bait and switch downgrade their crime and crimes to no crimes and Internal Affairs protected them.
IA sgt Mary O'Donnell showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter and said case closed. I heard her say Delita HOOKS Det was Drier so I wrote down Drier and accidentally handed her my notes. I called that day and asked her to return my notes. She lied to me and stated she would but she kept them because she is a dirty corrupt cop protecting dirty cops in my case and they use Ron Kuby's letter to cover up a pile up of serious crimes including threatening me. Did the NYPD never investigate the misogynist hate crime Bob Dobalina a fake account created my guess by Joe Tacopina. I asked him is this witness tampering him and fake account Charles Ward possibly Chad Seigel and they deleted their fake accounts. Joe if I am correct as Bob Dobalina called me a fight picking cunt threatened to bury and destroy me see the tables turned on me if I took any action. Det John Vergona never asked me about it perhaps because Joe contacted his partner in crime Det Andrew Dwyer and it was agreed they would act on the misogynist hate crime with Lt Burgos in on it and DI Ed Winski as well as Internal Affairs because IA has refused to investigate any of this and is protecting all crimes and threats using Ron Kuby's letter dropping a fake mutual assault -- see he uses the words my attacker twice -- we did not have Delita HOOKS names but she violated my patient rights to get my name and she violated my body and patient rights and not fired because corrupt detectives and supervisors with whom ever Dr Andrew Fagelman called up for fixing and favors protected all threats to me and acted on the threats all because they don't like me, my blog, my activism they were all willing to break laws and 0 arrests and as the years go by Oct 1, 2017 6 years even more people inside the NYPD, IA, Corp Counsel and every agency that is suppose to police the police party to crimes in my case and how many others and no arrests of NYPD IA criminals or Delita Hooks and her boss who called in a favor and there are so many victims like me or worse they have been murdered we clearly need a new Permanent Commission in to NYPD IA DA corruption, NYPD IA DA App Tracker data base time capsule and a special prosecutor as well as a memorial wall outside DA, 1PP, Precinct for all the Victims of NYPD IA DA crimes dead and in our cases alive no Justice years of lying covering up crimes.
The Fake NYC Gov Agency The Commission to Combat Police Corruption that compared themselves to McDonalds to me -- I asked if a McDonalds Employee sees a crime don't they have to report the crime but not CCPC....they keep forwarded my case to IA to die. CCRB forwarded over and over to Chief of Dept including when NYPD James O'Neill was chief of Dept.
I am waiting or find out if I need a 2nd surgery for my eyes and out of the blue IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell who I met once prior to this call and in person with her partner there she read me and showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter!!!!!!!! She said case closed. O'Donnell was in on keep this closed and protecting a pile of of crimes from the MD's to the First Precicnt and use Ron Kuby's letter because sadist cops and Zachary Carter get off on using Kuby's letter to pretend NO CRIMES! Even her reading the letter to me case closed was her protecting yet another THREAT to me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and top NYPD brass protecting all these crimes with Corp Counsel all these years.
2017 Almost 6 years later I now have a copy of Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent manipulative lying attack receptionist office manager Delita HOOKS letter a very serious crime -- she signed a letter with a threat to me to corrupt NYPD Detective Andrew (Andy) Dwyer recognizing I can file second-degree assault charge against her and I better not or she will file a second false cross-complaint against me this time 2nd degree assault (google Dr Fagelman asault) with Detective Andrew Dwyer , Det John Vergona (a misogynist anti-Semitic detective allowed to retire )and Internal Affairs protected all the crimes -- they did they protected and the dirty detectives and supervisors all these years!
It took me almost 6 years to get a copy of the letter she filed with the police department she signed a serious crime she committed in the NYPD reported to be able to go to jail if they're actually with someone who is paying attention and had integrity and decided to apply the law.
If you lie to the NYPD during an open investigation you have committed a crime even if the NYPD are corrupt and lying in there police report which is what was in my case true!
If you conspire with corrupt cops to threaten a victim during an open investigation then you have committed a crime. If you participate in threatening affect him you've committed a crime. So let's say the detective said to the doctor don't worry will threaten Ms Troy will maker drop the charges then the doctor is party to a crime. Let's say the doctor called up someone at the 1st Precinct or call the cop that's powerful and they said don't worry about it send in the delita hooks and have her file a false cross complaint. We the NYPD will make sure to downgrade all the crimes to no crimes and will use Ron Kuby's letter to cover up all the crimes than everyone involved in that committed crimes. So which state was Joe Tacopina using a fake sock puppet account threatening me during an open investigation along with his partner in theory what state was Chad Seigel and they committed crimes as well. If Tacopina contacted the doctor and the detectives and it was decided to threaten me than committed crimes.
Delita Hooks letter that she signed was a crime and anyone who graduated the police academy or law school knows that's a crime she recognizes she committed second-degree assault and that's really what the crime less if I came back and reported it she's telling me she will file a second false cross-complaint this time second-degree assault since Det John Vergona and Det Andrew Dwyer with Lt Burgos and Sgt Chen and DI Ed Winski with their knowledge and protection so they all committed crimes and for committing crimes fixing favors making crimes go away retaliating Breaking the law they were rewarded with promotions or being allowed to retire because Internal Affairs protected the crimes as well which makes some party to crimes.
You don't get to break the law because you don't like someone and that's exactly what they did they didn't like me they don't like my blog my YouTube so the fact that I reported their friend NYPD PO Schatz to IA. Fixing crimes threatening victims making crimes disappear it's part of the NYPD culture and top cops have been promoted for lowering crime stats.
The criminals involved in my case from the doctors to the police department are they psychopaths?
Psychopath no remorse, 0 empathy, manipulative, violent, liar ... dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks, nypd and internal affairs in my case...?
I think I understand why the police department doesn't want to upgrade their psychological evaluations because with disqualify how many cops? NYPD don't want to use lie detector says the screening tool before they hire cops. Do I think they're capable of committing perjury like Lance Armstrong? Yes.
It took me 1 year of calling the First Precinct to get 1 honest cop to give me Delita HOOKS false cross complaint number so I could write 1 Police Plaza and get it.
It took years to get a copy of the signed letter Violent liar Delita Hooks wrote -- I only became aware of this letter in 2013 when corrupt IA NYPD Sgt Mary O'Donnell showed me and read me the letter! She protected the threat and in your face crimes and she was not living in a vacuum.
To PC James O'Neill he was chief of Dept when CCRB kept forwarding my case to him and he keeps protecting crimes which makes in the 3rd PC to protect crimes in my case all these years! Message: NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer broke the law with Det John Vergona, Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos who in 2015 on Friday the 13th after yrs of lying about me asked to be my linked in friend, DI ed Winski here is more evidence http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/08/delita-hooks-signed-letter-to-nypd-det.html?m=1. I asked IAB for a new complaint # new evidence but James O'Neill and Reznick like Kelly Campisi running fake IA reality Protecting crimes in my case. I would like a new complaint #IA, arrests of all involved. I will testify at new permanent commission in to nypd ia da Corp counsel corruption. This was call a cop Fixing favors retaliation. Delita Hooks letter to Det Dwyer a crime me only Joe Tacopina stupid enough to write it she signed it warning me to not file 2nd degree assault. It was 2nd degree but nypd did a bait & switch to no crimes. Audio Sgt Chen preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint audio IA Sgt Mary O'Donnell refusing evidence. IA NYPD Corp Counsel crimes using Kuby letter to pretend no crimes. NYPD PO Gene Schatz's facebook profile sum up his attitude, Det Tommy Moran his FB friend, Det John Vergona and Detective Andrew Dwyer -- their attitude about the law, the oath they took and they were all party to verbally violently threatening me, coercion, the misogynist hate crime threat that Vergona and Dwyer with their partners who's names I don't have all acted on and they sum up Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Reznick the rat caller Bratton and O'Neill's choice for head of Internal Affairs -- their attitude is on going FU along with Zachary Carter chronically covering up NYPD IA crimes like my case and how many others?
Delita HOOKS gave me the finger -- she provoked me repeatedly first to get help and than to start filming but NYPD Det Vergona said if I had kept walking I would not have gotten punched but the truth is that an NYPD officer or a medical receptionist/office manager don't get
to punch their people for filming them violating their rights.
Delita HOOKS was not fired or arrested because the NYPD and IA still to this day are covering up her crimes and the NYPD IA crimes!
Delita HOOKS false cross complaint -- I filed in the top of the form -- the NYPD employee corrected the date and time and wrote Delita HOOKS lied and stated I attacked her and pushed her to the ground and kicked her. This false cross complaint is a crime but the letter she signed to Det Andrew Dwyer is an EVEN BIGGER crime because she signed the letter! No wonder the NYPD rushed to seal her crimes with hers. The NYPD and IA have the seal date I know because when I sued it Federal Court Corp Counsel told me they had sealed it!
another message to PC James O'Neill Message: Chief Boyce a misogynist corrupt cop so full of hatred of me & the truth he even blocked me for tweeting evidence that proves NYPD detectives committed crimes! Now I have evidence that he promoted Detective Andrew Dwyer after Dwyer broke the law to a fake task force like NYC Schools Rubber room. The Task force has a non working number.
The NYPD top brass promote cops that do Fixing and in favors and I have enough evidence to prove this in my case and that's without subpoena power wait until there's a new commission a permanent commission into police corruption I can't wait to testify with the video audio's and police reports I have as well as a misogynist hate crime threat that the corrupt cops acted on to turn the tables on me and I believe Joe Tacopina use a sock puppet account to threaten me and he goes wrote that letter Delita Hooks signed a serous Crimes a pile up of crimes from a rich MD in soho to the First Precinct to IAB to 1PP and the sadists use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they didn't do a bait and switch downgrading to a fake mutual assault to know crimes.
You think you can get over on me because I'm an outspoken woman I'm one of your many victims but we will get a permanent new commission into police corruption that shows every agency that supposed to police the police passes the corruption buck and since our case to Internal Affairs to die and audio of IA NYPD Sgt Mary O'Donnell on audio posted on YouTube using Kuby letter. IA chief rat ca...
Det Andy Dwyer and Det John Vergona never investigated who threatened me a misogynist Hate Crimes threatening to turn the tables because I'm guessing Joe Tacopina contacted Dwyer and they agreed I was a confrontative can't that need to be taught a lesson and they were going to do it they were going to break the law and act on Joe Tacopina's thread to turn the tables on me!
NYPD and Internal Affairs broke laws and they counted on me not knowing the law which I didn't know when explain to me anything so I could not even understand the crimes that were being committed and you're still being protected all these years later it's shocking!!!!
I did not know anything about the law about 3rd dgree assault or second-degree assault about false cross complaints downgrading crimes and making them disappear I had no idea about the law and corrupt nypd preyed on my ignorance and countless other victims
Soho ran and runs call a cop Preet Bharara's term - mine is 1800 NYPDIADA fix it. NYC is so corrupt and violent I was not safe at a doctors office in Soho or a precinct I can't imagine what they would've done to me if I had turn myself in on the Sabbath with a hole in my retina cervical damage. Eric Garner in his and written lawsuit from Rikers describes what was done to him and they planted drugs on him after sexually violating him in public front and back. My case NYPD misogyny anti-Semitism retaliation for PO Schatz so Det Andrew Dwyer, Det Vergona happily broke the law 2015 when their corrupt supervisor who refused to respond to an email asking for badge numbers yes to suborning gave me his NYPD email the tenant where goes in 2015 asked to be my linkedin Friend knowing that I believe he committed crimes he finds it entertaining you want to be my LinkedIn friend he's thinking of me at 5:30 in the morning the same day Friday 13th 2015 that all these people were murdered in Paris by terrorists. 2015 when I sue in NYS Supreme Court I also find out Det John Vergona and Det Andrew Dwyer are facebook friends. with The first NYPD officer I have to reported to Internal Affairs Drugs for fixing in favors using this car as a weapon for the Mercer hotel select Policing call a cop and one of the callers from the Mercer Hotel Setting this corrupt cop on me was Michael Rawson who was harassing me online as well. Mercer Hotel has an arrangement to ignore the illegal parking in the loading in unloading for the hotel with valet parking under Michael Rawson and but he expected the NYPD ticket a handicapped Korean War better and who is dying of prostate cancer who had a table outside. Rawson's harassment even stealing my signs from veterans was protected by the NYPD. Their facebook friend are used to squad car as a weapon even on the handicap dying Korean War Vet are in these are the kind of cops that have on the way with everything but murdering me.
Eric Garner describes in detail what corrupt cops did to him and I have proof and police reports that the detective slide with the supervisor signing off they committed crimes what would they have done how many more crimes with they have fabricated when I got to the precinct with a hole in my retina? http://nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-garner-handwritten-lawsuit-from-7.html?m=1
Zachary Carter does, he was a former US attorney and he's covering up crimes but he's the same head of corporate counsel that was playing Dr Redacto for the Lower East Side Nursing Home Scandal!
I want Zachary Carter and every lawyer that represented the city from Corp Counsel and the cops in my case to answer questions under oath --- they are city lawyers --- they had more evidence then we could hope to have and they chose to protect nypd ia CRIMES that broke laws covered up crimes joined in and in that sense is in Zachary Carter obstructing justice and guilty isn't he obligated to see something say something not protect crimes? Zachary Carter is not a mafia lawyer and he took an oath!!!! I do process my constitutional laws my first amendment rights were violated I was terroruzec and threatened and even more laws were broken and Zachary Carter protecting a pile up of crimes and I want him to answer under oath in front of a new commission into police corruption and if he lies he's got to go to jail no more lance Armstrong games
to wiggle out of perjury. Mike Bloomberg committed perjury during the Haggerty trial and that was just fine with the Manhattan DA and the judge. Tom Robbins on New York one and said Mayor Bloomberg testified.
I am still in shock. People just can't believe it Dr Andrew Faeglman's role including hint he did not fire his crazy violent employee and I was sent an email with shocking allegations on why he wouldn't and that he allegedly got more fixing and favors but pertaining to his on alleged violence but I have no way of verifying that is true. The allegations state he assaulted a mental ill woman and she filed a complaint against the NYPD for discriminating against her preventing her from reporting a crime with the Dept of Justice under their division that focuses on protecting handicap people. I am in shock after all this time I finally got Delita HOOKS letter openly threatening me warning me to come back and file assault charges again -- that if I do she will file another false cross complaint this time it would be 2nd degree assault since Det John Vergona verbal violently threatened me over the phone with false arrest with a hole in my retina and cervical damage from the attack. Vergona and his pal Hooks both knew I had a collapsed bladder from before the attack. VERGONA HAD TOLD ME HE DIDN'T CARE IF I HAD TWO BLACK EYES. Det John VERGONA refused to meet me and lied in his police reports with Lt Angelo Burgos and Det Andy Dwyer. Detective Andrew Dwyer is one sick creep who hid his identity. If Delita HOOKS allegations were true whey didn't he arrest me? Because Det Andy Dwyer and Det Vergona were in on the arrangements to have Delita HOOKS file a false cross complaint and they rushed to seal her crimes with theirs and they have been protected all these years.
Is Dr Fagelman a psychopath? He seems to have no empathy, he conspired with the police to have me threaten that's a crime and he was part of my attacker filing a false cross-complaint and threatening me and a signed letter to her NYPD fix her these are crimes and he was party to them so if you like Lance Armstrong that if he's questions under oath he's going to commit perjury? Are the cops going to commit perjury because I hope they all our questions under oath in front of the new commission into police corruption including Zachary Carter. Under Oath Zachary Carter said redacting documents involving the nursing home on the lower Eastside was within his scope but that's not true Dept Of investigation threatened him with legal action he was forced to stop redacting the documents and submit them. If you redacted documents on the originals I am told that would bring jail time.
Today I got even more evidence. Det Andy Dwyer's DD5s showing what a corrupt creep and fixer he is protecting crimes and making them vanish and for that Chief Boyce promoted him!
WE NEED A NEW PERMANENT COMMISSION IN TO NYPD IA DA CORRUPTION Charles Hynes, Cy Vance etc took oaths and their ADAs and how many broke their oaths?
Zachary Carter Protects NYPD Crimes Got Delita Hooks Letter a Crime today and A second and final enlargement of time so my case will be heard in January 2018 six years almost of NYPD IA crimes covering up fixing in favors in retaliation joining in committing crimes in retaliation -- The NYPD did not murder me but they stole my life...harmed my life along with Dr Andrew Fagelman and everyone that lied and also threatened me during an open investigation and I wanted to possibly that is Joe Tacopina and Chad Siegel.
Zachary Carter, Det Dwyer Det Vergona protected/acted on misogyny hate threat by Joe Tacopina of Abner Louima Infamy
I am confident Bob Dobalina cunt calling turn the tables on me lawyer was Joe Tacopina and Charles Ward my guess Chad Seigel. Joe Tacopina is the only lawyer stupid and overly aggressive (like he's on testosterone and stupid pills) lawyer to write a letter for my attacker Delita Hooks (she signed the letter!!!!) threatening me the victim yet again recognizing I could file 2nd degree assault and her pals would use another false cross to fix for her -- the letter is to Detective Andrew Dwyer so he is guilty along w/ supervisors and IA who said case closed. !!! More crimes no arrests. My guess Joe Tacopina even chatted with Andy Dwyer who protected all the crimes with Det Vergona and Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen and Ed Winski all promoted or retired.
Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill corrupt to core along w/ Campisi and Reznick
Zachary Carter keeps lying in court pretending no crimes. Ironic he prosecuted cops in Abner Louima case he's protecting Joe Tacopina misogynist hate crimes threats and Det Vergona false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath.
Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton, O'Neill, Reznick misogynist to hate me so it's OK to attack me with me violently attacked me punch a hole in my retina hurt me threaten me they protected the NYPD crimes which are horrific as well from a doctors to police department I should've been safe!
Chief Boyce really hates me and he promoted Det Andy Dwyer to a division that has no working number I kid you not
NYPD Joint Terrorist Task Force Telephone Number Broken! NYPD so fake! Verify Det Andy Dwyer corrupt Cop promoted?
Boyce protected Sgt Chen from being served I still don't know his first name and badge number I don't have any badge numbers and Lt Burgos who hide their badges numbers and joined them lying in police reports asked to be my linkedin friend Friday the 13th 2015 after years of lying violence 5:30 am same day as mass murder in Paris the terrorists unbelievable.
DI Ed Winski within on the misogyny the anti-Semitism the crimes and protected them and in return he got promoted! He was living in crime stats counting on promotions because that's what ray Kelly Bratton and O'Neill did and do.
I have more evidence I got today!!!
IA NYPD Sgt Mary O'Donnell an evil liar like the cop's and MD office she protected told me his name was Drier... I handed her my notes by accident when I called her and asked her to return it she lied to me and said she would but she did not because I misspelled his name and she did not correct me his name is Det Andy Dwyer.
She read me my attacker Delita Hooks letter another crime and the evil corrupt Mary O'Donnell said case closed with a smile to closed my file.
Zachary Carter and corporate counsel lied all these years. I go that letter today DELITA Hooks morning if I dare come back she will retaliate with a false cross-complaint a 2nd one and I'm alleging her employer Dr Andrew Fagelman knew it -- in on all the threats and assured by Vergona and Dwyer I would be verbally violently threatened with false arrest unless I dropped the complaint.
I'm alleging that Joe Tacopina was the only lawyer stupid enough to draft that letter and they all as a group conspired to threaten me and make me drop charges and that is the crime as is he lying to the police even if the NYPD detectives and supervisors are breaking laws and they did.
They don't like me they don't like my blog they were willing to break laws Internal Affairs still breaking laws and this started under Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi who taught me
1) NYPD IA fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino.
2) Bratton Reznick O'Neill turn broken windows back on the police.
As chief of department James O'Neill will send my case over and over by CCRB
NYPD Jimmy O'Neill Apologize NYPD Det Squad Acted on Cunt Threat to Turn Tables
Cy Vance protected BYPD IA crimes my case and many others.
I have filed a notice of claim five more evidence now in a greater understanding of the depth of these crime which is more than I can imagine I really want a lawyer as well as being part of as many class-action lawsuit as possible against NYPD IA every agency that was supposed to police the police and didn't just passed the corruption buck and llet our cases die!!!
Former Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes Sued For Creating “Preferential System Of ‘Justice’ For Pedophiles” | Village Voice
https://www.villagevoice.com/2017/03/08/former-brooklyn-da-charles-hynes-sued-for-creating-preferential-system-of-justice-for-pedophiles/ Cy Vance and Charles Hynes so corrupt. I want to be part of class action lawsuits against NYPD, IA, Corp Counsel, the City and Cy Vance and all nyc gov agencies that past the corruption buck.
Cy Vance Jeff Epstein pedophile like DA Hynes? Hynes sued Preferential System For Pedophiles”, Cy Vance next? villagevoice.com/2017/03/08/for…
My Dad died my Mom dying and they stole my life a kind of murder - Vergona of violent liar like Delita Hooks - they can be charming when it suits them he threatens me and his lawyer Jonathan Popolow and appellate court stated he did not know I was Jewish when I have the email online now October 16, 2012 G-d sees all, false arrest the babbling Jew.
Vergona did not say no to are you anti-Semitic.
He acting on a misogynistic hate crime threat I allege Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina. I allege Chad Seigel as Charles Ward join threatening me harassing me when I ask if this was witnessed tempering they deleted their account. When I ask Det Vergona he acted on their threat to turn the tables.
Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks were assured she could threaten me in this letter she does in the police would protect her and she did.
Here is an excerpt of email to IA this am:
Please give me a new complaint number. It will be part of my testimony against IAB. Sgt Mary O'Donnell read me the letter and said case closed (Sgt Kroll was a witness)
Delita Hooks letter to her corrupt Det Andrew Dwyer proves
1) Delita Hooks and I am guessing Joe Tacopina aka Bob Dobalina see my email to Det Vergona Oct 7, 2012 Bob calls me a cunt threatens to turn the tables and there is the same threat in the letter to Det Andy Dwyer.
Det Squad and supervisors along with my attacker knew it was actually second-degree assault please set a bait and switch and a downgrade to a fake mutual assault.
Delita Hooks recognizes I can come back and file second we sell chargers and she will file a second boss cross complaint with Det Andy Dwyer and Vergona's protection and Sgt Chen, Burgos and Ed Winski.
Delita Hooks recognized it was 2nd degrees assault on her part and she could break yet another loss with the new pools cross-complaint and be protected
2) The rich doctor picked up the phone like a lot of rich people so hope so what was the NYPD detective squad's motive I had reported their friend Facebook PO Eugene Schatz.
I was labeled a ball buster by the precinct and now they had a chance to retaliate.
Please give me a new complaint number thank you. Remember during the infamous NYPD Ramos case the fixing and favors and NYPD PBA stood outside the courthouses protesting in their own words about fixing and favors and this was under Bloomberg. I don't believe Det Andrew Dwyer and his partner, Detective John Vergona and his partner, Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos and DI Ed Winski were following orders but they were all protected by top brass and Zachary Carter who had to be told my NYC Gov Dept of Investigation to stop redacting documents in the nursing home continues to lie in my case stating the NYPD and IA acted with in their scope when the broke laws repeatedly in my case along with Delita HOOKS and I believe Dr Andrew Fagelman picked up the phone like Williamsburg but this was Soho Call A Cop and Dr Fagelman was party to all the crimes including his employee Delita HOOKS threatening me yet again, filing a false cross complaint -- I believe Dr Fagelman as part of what the US Attorney referred to as Call a COP -- that Dr Fagelman arranged the date and time for Delita HOOKS to walk in and commit the crime. I am guessing Joe Tacopina who I allege broke the law with my guess Chad Seigel using fake accounts on YouTube threatening me warning me to not take any legal action or they would see the tables turned contacted Dr Fagelman, Delita HOOKS and Det Andy Dwyer and it was all arranged if the letter Delita Hooks SIGNED! IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell another corrupt corrupt cop showed me the letter a full in your face crime and cited Ron Kuby's letter case closed. Zachary Carter and his predecessor used Ron Kuby's letter to pretend the NYPD and all involved did not commit crimes and I alerted ADA Joan Illuzzi about Joe Tacopina misogynist hate crime and the NYPD IA crimes and she did not want to hear it but she admitted Delita HOOKS committed 2nd degree assault, a false cross complaint, menacing and that if she was arrested I was told by another ADA that NO NYPD WOULD BE INVOLVED BUT THAT SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR BERRY WOULD ARREST DELITA HOOKS. Joan Illuzzi admitted she did not know who I was and she promised not to hold my blogging and YouTubes criticizing her boss against me but SHE LIED!!!!! The NYPD and DA broke the laws in my case covered up crimes especially NYPD CRIMES that were reported to them and how many times does this happen? I was assaulted Oct 1, 2012 and a few months before I was in The NY Times and I looked beautiful sitting on a bench in Tompkins Square Park with Guiseppi Logan. Dr Andrew Fagelman, Delita HOOKS and NYPD and Internal Affairs would ruin my life with their lies, crimes and corruption and I was also sent this a few months before I was assaulted stating the Cy Vance is a dirty corrupt DA that with Dirty NYPD make crimes vanish they fix crime including RAPES, domestic abuse etc and than I became a casualty as well. http://cyvanceonetermda.blogspot.com/2017/08/2012-i-am-sent-account-of-cy-vance.html Joan Illuzzi ended up lying to me which is posted on YouTube but originally she swore she would not hold my politics against me. She lied and she and Cy Vance did more fixing and favors for corrupt NYPD and IA my case and how many others? Cy Vance a racist DA falsely prosecuted NYPD Star Thabo Sefolosha and activist Joe Jazz Hayden and countless protestors the most in NYC's history, he is a dirty DA that isn't shy about protecting corrupt NYPD and Internal Affairs and retaliating against his targets just like the NYPD and IA did with me. Google DNA Cy Vance Intern, Google Cy Vance Flash Boys, Google Cy Vance NYDN jeffrey epstein -- this one will make you want to puke and shocked the woman judge --- in all her years no one has ever asked her to lower the sex predator status and how made the call to the Dirty Play to Play DA? Google NYDN K2 Intelligence (more allegations of pay to Play DA and Ray Kelly works for K2 Intelligence). Cy Vance and Mark Guma more pay to play -- Guma forgave Cy Vance his debt and in return Guma is Teflon and Cy Vance did not recuse himself did he? It goes on but Cy Vance is like Charles Hynes and they both belong in jail but I agreed to false arrest twice for a running punch to my head. This started under Michael Bloomberg and now de Blasio failed me and countless other victims of NYPD crimes and he will be shocked at how many people vote against de Blasio at the voting booths me included.